Edbit deploys on the Avalanche Blockchain (Pangolin Exchange)

2 min readMar 10, 2022

Welcome to our weekly blog news alerts. As migration towards online certification continues in earnest, we’ve got several new and exciting updates to tell you about, so let’s get started.

Avalanche Pangolin Exchange (https://pangolin.exchange/)

If you haven’t already done so, we suggest downloading our Edbit Credentials eBook. Additionally, we recommend you join our official Discord Channel at: https://discord.gg/yD5aFJ5c. Here you’ll get the opportunity to ask us questions, receive instant updates, and be part of a vibrant community; where information shared is based on common interests.

Now for our product updates. Last week we deployed our Smart Contract in the Avalanche Blockchain. Our clients will have the first opportunity to buy in, and add liquidation until July 2022. Since we picked Avalanche, our first exchange will be the Pangolin Exchange. This community-driven, decentralized trade allows for a fast settlement, low transaction fees, and democratic distribution. To summarize, Pangolin brings you the best trading opportunities to find and maximize your yield. For more information on Pangolin, visit Pangolin — Scale Your DeFi Trading.

Next, Edbit Credentials web application is still in the Quality Assurance phase. However, we estimate production will begin at the end of March 2022. Furthermore, we’re excited to announce that Edbit Credentials Video Promotion is currently in the storyboard format. Stay tuned, as we’ll share some screenshots and images next week.

And lastly, our LinkedIn page contains exciting information about the future of Web 3.0 — the third-generation internet services, and Metaverse, the powerful, interconnected world of blockchain technology. Artificial Intelligence continues to lead the way with its interface between technology and people. To view more comprehensive information on this subject, please go directly to our LinkedIn page as follows: https://www.linkedin.com/company/77708862.

There you have it, lots of exciting updates to digest this week. Be sure to check in for next week’s blog for more exclusive content and information about Edbit, our partnerships, developments and our vision.




Ebit provides blockchain solutions to the education industry.